Welcome to my personal site for my various works and endeavors. Should one of the stories take off, they will get their own site in due time.
As an author in progress, I have been finding one of my biggest issues is that I am way too critical of my own work, therefore I have given this, my personal site, an overhaul and have committed myself to monthly web publishings of my stories.
That said this is my current schedule of releases:
January 1st, 2009: 1st finalized website design and poetry. You can find most of the poetry now.
January 2nd or 3rd, 2009: First story: Arthur Neilrelm: Mage of the 13th Hour in its first chapter. The writing is 90% done, just needs some refinement for web.
Week of January 11th, 2009: Tales of Jalbidar will have its debut in its first chapter.
Week of January 18th, 2009: Vigilante Rain, a tentative title, will start its run.
February 2009: second wave of site work and second chapters of at least two of the stories. Preferably all three. Also to be included will be paypal donation buttons. More on this later and the special bonus to you, the readers. |